Resources for landscapes and gardens in the Midwest
Don’t miss the 2019 Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day on July 9th! Your opportunity to interact with Purdue Specialists, see the latest on-going research and best management practices, and network with others in the Green Industry. This is the premiere Green Industry education event that you’ll find this summer! In the landscape track,[Read More…]
When emerald ash borer swept through the Midwest it left three kinds of ash trees in its wake: the dead, the dying, and the diligently protected and thriving. The hunt was on for ways to stop this insect and save North America’s ash trees. Now, nearly 20 years later, not only do we have tools[Read More…]
Boxwoods have so many pests it’s a wonder we continue to grow them. On top of boxwood mites, psyllids, and leafminers boxwood blight has been spreading since 2011. Boxwoods are special though so we work to protect them from each new threat. That work will get harder if box tree moth gets established in North[Read More…]
It’s never too early to protect your trees from spongy (previously gypsy) moth! Across the Central and Northeastern US spongy moths had a population boom this summer. Although we do not have firm predictions for next year yet, you can still start planning and protecting your trees now! Fall is the perfect time to check[Read More…]
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