Resources for landscapes and gardens in the Midwest
What is your go-to postemergence herbicide? If you answered Roundup (glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup), you would be in the majority for landscape and nursery professionals. Though glyphosate works very well on most weed species, there are times when other products may be more effective or offer a less phtytotoxic (damage to ornamental[Read More…]
It seems like yesterday that we were worried if Mother Nature’s faucet would ever stop (some of you still have that thought in some parts of the state). Now, in many parts of the state, soil moisture is all but gone after a few heat waves passed through the Midwest, with many plants that are[Read More…]
Have you ever noticed the fuzzy growth (Fig1) on the underside of an oak or sycamore leaf and wondered what was wrong with the tree? Fuzzy mats of hairy growth on the underside of tree leaves (Fig 2) are often mistaken for a plant disease or insect problem. In actuality, the whitish-tan fuzzy growth is[Read More…]
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