Resources for landscapes and gardens in the Midwest
Volutella stem and leaf blight, caused by the fungal pathogen Coccinonectria pachysandricola (=Volutella pachysandricola), can cause major damage to Pachysandra – destroying large areas in a bed. (Fig 1) Infected leaves first develop tan or brown blotches with dark brown margins, which expand, often with concentric lighter and darker target-like zones. (Figs 2a,b) Stem and[Read More…]
As I type this article, the outside thermometer is showing 10 degrees F. Ouch! And the calendar reads March 4. Double ouch! Winter is stubbornly hanging around for a few more days, maybe weeks. Eventually, the dreary cold weather will surrender to spring and life will return to the woods. However, subtle changes are occurring[Read More…]
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