Links to the English and Spanish Versions of the Quick Guide Video Series are Available at PurduePlantDoctor.com
Identifying a plant problem is the first step to improve the health of plants in the landscape. We created a series of short (5 to 7 min) YouTube videos to help you learn or just brush up your plant diagnostic skills. Each video guides you through the diagnostic process in real landscapes, reviews pest biology and provides tips on management. Videos finish with a demonstration of how to use the Purdue Plant Doctor to confirm your diagnosis and get current recommendations. Key moments tabs help you help you navigate through each video.
Four ways to watch these videos in English or Spanish:
- Visit PurduePlantDoctor.Com and Select the QuickGuides tab
- Use these English or Spanish links to the YouTube Playlist
- Search YouTube for Purdue Plant Doctor Playlist
- Click on English or Spanish links for each video in this article
Here is a guide and links to our Quick Guide videos. The time stamp in parentheses provides the length of each English video in minutes and seconds. Spanish versions are a bit longer due to the need to convey both English and Spanish names of trees and pests as well as instructions on how to translate the Purdue Plant Doctor website into Spanish.
Diagnosing Plant Problems with the Purdue Plant Doctor Web Page (5:09) Learn how to diagnose and manage pest and disease problems on ornamental plants and how to keep your plants healthy. The Plant Doctor Web page is a mobile-ready website that can improve communication between plant care professionals and their clientele. Spanish Version (8:45)
Beating Back Borers of Pines and Other Cone Bearing Trees with the Purdue Plant Doctor (5:13) Borers can be a real problem in landscapes that use pines and other evergreens to serve as a windbreak or a visual screen. Learn how to detect borer problems, before they destroy your planting and get tips on how to protect these coniferous trees from borers. Spanish Version (7:49)
Learn About Managing Boring Insects with the Purdue Plant Doctor (7:20) Borers can also attack stressed deciduous trees. Learn why stress promotes borer problems and what you can do to manage the common borers you will encounter. Spanish Version (8:39)
Managing Spider Mite Mayhem with the Purdue Plant Doctor (5:56) Spider mites, may be small, but they can cause big problems. Learn how to detect mites before they harm plants, and what you can do to keep plants healthy before and after mites have been detected. Spanish Version (6:50)
Cedar-Apple Rust (Juniper Rusts) (3:04) Learn how three common rust diseases, cedar-apple, cedar-hawthorn, and cedar-quince affect junipers and their alternate hosts. Watch how rainfall transforms galls on junipers into jelly-like cush-balls that produce the teliospores who germinate into the basidiospores which infect apple, hawthorn, quince and other plants in the rose family.
Managing Lacebugs with the Purdue Plant Doctor (4:59) Although lacebugs are common, they are often misdiagnosed as spider mites and treated incorrectly. Learn what lacebugs are, how to detect them and what you can do to keep plants healthy. Spanish Version (6:12)
All You Need to Know about Managing Scales and Mealybugs with the Purdue Plant Doctor (6:53) Drought and rising temperatures can make plants more susceptible to scale insects. Learn about the threats these insects pose to your plants and landscapes. Then find out how you can monitor them and improve your ability to keep your plants safe from harm. Spanish Version (9:30)
Magnolia Scale – Meet Your Enemies (1:18) Need to be convinced that beneficial insects can protect plants from scale insects? Watch magnolia scales get slaughtered by ladybugs and parasitic wasps. See how ladybugs disguise themselves as mealybugs to hide from ants as they feast on magnolia scales.
Taming Aphid Problems with the Purdue Plant Doctor (5:17) Aphid problems can turn your landscape into a sticky mess. Learn the threats they pose to your plants and how to detect and manage them. Spanish Version (6:04)
Managing Japanese Beetle with The Purdue Plant Doctor (5:02) Japanese beetles can wreak havoc in your landscape by consuming the flowers and leaves of your ornamental planting or by killing your turf. Learn why Japanese beetle traps only make Japanese beetle problems worse. Get the latest information about these beetles and how to control them. Spanish Version (5:57)
Managing Caterpillars in Butterfly Gardens and Landscapes with the Purdue Plant Doctor. (4:52) Although butterflies and moths are important pollinators, caterpillars may cause unacceptable damage to your plants. Bagworms, tent caterpillars and webworms are common landscape problems. Learn how to assess the threat of these and other caterpillars and keep your plants healthy. Spanish Version (6:01)
Slaying Sawflies with the Purdue Plant Doctor (5:20) Learn what sawflies are, the threat they pose to your plants and why it is important to distinguish them from caterpillars. Then get tips on how to manage them. Spanish Version (6:24)
Managing Leafminers with the Purdue Plant Doctor (4:41) Leafminers can be hard to control when they are safely feeding inside a leaf. Learn how to diagnose leaf miners and the best way to protect your plants from damage. Spanish Version (5:50)
Managing Plant Galls with the Purdue Plant Doctor (5:42) Galled about Galls? Want to learn how to diagnose bumps on plants and how they affect plants? This video will discuss the causes of plant galls and what you need to do to keep your plants healthy. Spanish Version (6:54)