We often receive inquiries from folks wanting to add landscape plants that will attract birds. Most folks primarily think of plants with edible berries. Birds require not only food such as fruits and seeds, but also shelter and water.
Planting a variety of plants that offer these resources across the seasons will help attract more birds to the yard. Some native shrubs to consider include:
Aronia (chokeberry)
Callicarpa (beautyberry)
Clethra (summersweet)
Cornus (dogwood)
Corylus (hazelnut)
Ilex (winterberry)
Lindera (spicebush)
Rhus (sumac)
Sambucus (elderberry)
Symphoricarpos (snowberry and coralberry)
Viburnum (several species)
More information on attracting birds and other wildlife to your yard in Purdue Forestry & Natural Resources publication FNR-247-W.