Landscape Report


Educational Event: The Changing Nursery Industry: How Will You Adapt?

You are invited to attend this free educational opportunity on campus or via webinar to this event on October 23rd!  If you are interested in attending in person, please contact Kyle Daniel at for details.



Title: The Changing Nursery Industry: How Will You Adapt?

Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2:30-5:15 PM, EDT

Moderator: Kyle Daniel

Registration Link:

In this student- and young professional-focused webinar, you’ll hear from thought leaders like Kyle Daniel, Tom Buechel, Megan Abraham, and more! Learn how to better understand how to think and act progressively as a grower, how to find opportunity in pest and regulatory issues, how to navigate e-commerce shipping, and more.

Join our experts as we dive into the many dynamics driving change throughout the nursery industry. You’ll hear from thought leaders like Goris Passchier, Tom Buechel, Megan Abraham, and more! Learn how to better understand how to think and act like progressively as a grower, how to find opportunity in pest and regulatory issues, how to navigate e-commerce shipping, and more.

INTRODUCTION: Moderator Kyle Daniel

SESSION 1 Systems Approaches for a Brighter Future: Tom Buechel

SESSION 2 Challenges and Solutions for E-commerce Shipping: Tom Buechel

SESSION 3 Regulatory Functions, Challenges, and Opportunities: Megan Abraham

SESSION 4 Connecting the Dots of Growing Systems in Agriculture: Goris Passcheir

SESSION 5 Grower Concerns and Opportunities of Pest and Regulatory Issues: Rick Haggard

SESSION 6 Perspectives and Insight from a Recent Horticulture Graduate: Brittany Weerts

SESSION 7 Caught with your plants down? There are apps for that!: Janna Beckerman

SESSION 8 Are you staying ahead of the game or falling behind? Tips to think and act progressively as a grower: Kyle Daniel

WRAP-UP Q & A Time: Moderator Kyle Daniel

This virtual conference experience is brought to you by AmericanHort and Purdue University, and sponsored by Nature Hills Nursery/Plant Sentry™.

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