Landscape Report


A Look Back at a Challenging 2019 Season

The 2019 season provided challenges that were unexpected to the Green Industry, which included an abundance of rainfall followed by drought-like conditions, new invasive pests, concerns about glyphosate use, and many others.  The Purdue Landscape Report focuses on timely articles that help Green Industry professionals make decisions for their business and keep abreast of looming issues.  As we begin the 2020 season, we can take a look back at some of the top stories from 2019.  Hopefully this season will be a little less challenging, but be sure we’ll be there with relevant, timely information in 2020.  Thanks for following along!


Boxwood Blight Found in Indiana

Sudden Oak Death Found in Indiana


Be on the Lookout for Defoliated Viburnums and Viburnum Leaf Beetle



Terrestrial invasive species rule signed by Indiana Governor


What nurseries need to know about the invasive species regulation


Beyond Roundup


Feast or famine: precipitation extremes


Winter Injury Update to Michigan Trees and Shrubs

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