» Authors
Abrahamson Todd W
Amanda Bailey Mosiman

Purdue Extension – Warrick County
Ag and Natural Resource Extension Educator
Elizabeth Barnes
Leslie Beck
Janna Beckerman

Dr. Beckerman’s primary responsibility at Purdue University is to lead
the plant pathology extension education effort in horticultural crops
by developing and enhancing a close working relationship between
the University, extension educators, and members of the fruit and
ornamentals industries, and the developing hemp industry. There are
two major approaches to managing plant disease in horticultural
crops: Incorporating disease resistance, when possible, and utilizing
fungicides, when necessary. The goal of my extension program is to
enable commercial growers to effectively and sustainably manage
both chemical (fungicide) and genetic (disease resistance) resources
while protecting the environment. To this end, research in Dr.
Beckerman’s lab includes:
• Biology and management of apple diseases, including apple
scab, bitter rot, canker diseases, and sooty blotch and flyspeck,
with a focus on fungicide resistance and improved delivery.
• Improving fungicide efficacy in horticultural crops
• Morel biology and genomics
• Hemp pathology https://purduehemp.org
• The Purdue Landscape Report
• Facts for Fancy Fruit https://fff.hort.purdue.edu
As part of her extension program, she has developed (with Dr. Cliff
Sadof, Entomology) a series of four apps, to assist homeowners in
the diagnosis and management of landscape plants, and
tomatoes. these apps work for both the iOS and Android
platforms. For more information see www.purdueplantdoctor.com
Joe Becovitz
Larry Bledsoe
John Bonkowski
Bruce Bordelon
Bob Bruner
Chris Carlson, Associate Professor, Kent State University
Dan Childs
Bert Cregg
Tom Creswell

As Director of the Plant & Pest Diagnostic Laboratory (PPDL), I am responsible for overseeing daily operations and administration of the lab. The PPDL is an interdisciplinary lab, taking advantage of technical expertise from several departments in the College of Agriculture to provide diagnostic and identification services to our clients. Our lab serves as the state laboratory for the Indiana Department of Natural Resources (IDNR).
My responsibilities include supervising PPDL staff, and managing all accounts and finances. In my role as a diagnostician I work toward accurate and timely diagnosis of plant disease problems on samples submitted to the PPDL, along with control recommendations when requested. I help provide training in disease diagnostics to county Cooperative Extension educators, grower groups and others.
Outreach efforts include timely contributions of disease diagnostic information to newsletters and our website to help keep our clients informed about current problems.
Kyle Daniel

The Purdue University Commercial Nursery and Landscape program strives to make the
industry in Indiana, the Midwest, and the United States more profitable, sustainable, effective
and efficient, while increasing the quality of life for the owners, employees, and the general
public through education, research, and outreach programs. The Department of Horticulture
and Landscape Architecture, with the assistance of Purdue University Extension, aides in
facilitating these endeavors. Being a leading land grant institution, extension and outreach
programs are designed to facilitate the advancement of agricultural industries, including the
Nursery and Landscape Industry. We will commit to the industry to develop and maintain
effective educational programming and research that will be relevant and productive for the
industry’s needs. We always welcome feedback to become a more efficient resource for the
Nursery and Landscape Industry.
Jacob Dolinger
Christine Elliot
Lenny Farlee
Steve Frank

Steve Frank's website
Professor and Extension Specialist in the Department Entomology and Plant Pathology at North Carolina State University
Megan Haas
Beth Hall
Brock Harpur
Laura Ingwell
Alicia Kelley
Christian Krupke
Rosie Lerner
Elizabeth Long
Ben McCallister
Lee Miller
Karen Mitchell
John Obermeyer
John Orick
Aaron Patton
Austin Pearson
Lindsey Purcell

Lindsey Purcell came to the department of Forestry and Natural Resources in
2008 and brings a wealth of experience, including eight years with the city of
Indianapolis as forestry supervisor and city forester, director of operations for
The Nature Conservancy of Indiana, working many years for tree care and
landscape maintenance firms, and adjunct instructor of horticulture technology
at Vincennes University. Lindsey is an ISA Certified Arborist with an A.S. from
Vincennes University, B.S. from Purdue and M.Ed. from Indiana State. As
executive director of the Indiana Arborists Association, his goal will be
developing a vibrant extension program that anticipates the needs of the urban
forestry community and arboriculture professionals Lindsey will work closely
with students at Purdue pursuing a minor in Urban Forestry, providing
instruction in Arboriculture Practices and Urban Forestry Issues courses in the
FNR department.
Owen Rahman
Doug Richmond

Professor and Turfgrass Entomology Extension Specialist