Landscape Report


Welcome to the 2025 Purdue Landscape Report

Welcome to the 2025 Purdue Landscape Report! As we embark on a new growing season, our team is committed to providing you with timely, science-based information to support the health and beauty of landscapes across the Midwest. Throughout the season, we will deliver bi-weekly newsletters featuring articles from Purdue faculty and staff across many disciplines.

field day

Figure 1. The Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day will be held on July 8th in West Lafayette.

As professionals in the green industry, your expertise is essential in maintaining healthy, sustainable, and resilient landscapes. The Purdue Landscape Report is dedicated to equipping you with science-based insights on pest management, plant health, environmental trends, and best practices. Whether you’re a landscaper, arborist, nursery grower, garden center, or turf manager, we strive to provide timely information that directly supports your work.

We encourage you to engage with our content, attend educational events, and reach out with questions or topics you’d like us to cover. Your feedback helps us tailor our reports to the real-world challenges you face.

Good luck on a successful 2025 season!


If you are looking for specific information or articles, you can search here:

Here are some of our most-read articles so far this year:

Stop making these arborvitae mistakes: Common transplant problems of arborvitae

Contorted Filbert: A gnarly problem plant

What is an inch of water?

Tiny little black bugs that deliver a big bite

When Roundup Isn’t Roundup: Clearing up the confusion between products


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