Landscape Report


Short YouTube Videos Help English and Spanish Speakers Improve Plant Health and Client Communication with the Purdue Plant Doctor Web Page.

Two short YouTube videos demonstrate how English and Spanish speakers can use the Purdue Plant Doctor Website.

Diagnosing Plant Problems with the Purdue Plant Doctor Web Page (5 minutes -in English with closed captions)


Guia Rapida Diagnosticar y Manejar Problemas de las Plantas con Purdue Plant Doctor ( 9 minutes in Spanish with closed captions).    This video shows how to search for problems and switch between English and Spanish using Google Translate.


Please share this link with Spanish speaking employees and customers.

See Guides to using the Purdue Plant Doctor Web Page previous issues of the Purdue Landscape Report for more details on how to use the web page.

English Guide to Purdue Plant Doctor.

Spanish Guide to Purdue Plant Doctor.

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