Landscape Report


Registration Open for Diagnostic Lawn Training: August 1st, 2024

Join the Turf Specialists for Lawn Care Diagnostic Training on August 1, 2024.

Click here to register

“The Purdue Turfgrass Program created Diagnostic Training Events in 2011 to provide turf industry professionals the opportunity to learn in a hands-on, demonstration fashion. Participants will learn concepts through presentations in the classroom and in the field during demonstrations of various technologies/products. These demonstrations are set up exclusively for these events and are selected with input from industry professionals. You can expect education focused on lawns for lawn care technicians, relevant and up-to-date info for lawn care technicians, and hands-on, as well as demonstration-based, training. This is truly a unique opportunity and event!

CCHs Approved by the OISC: Cat.3A(3), Cat.3B(7), Cat.6(3), Cat.RT(4)


  1. Provide education focused on lawns for lawn care technicians
  2. Provide relevant, up-to-date information to lawn care technicians.
  3. Provide hands-on as well as demonstration-based training of topics


Each participant will receive the 2024 edition of Turfgrass Weed Control for Professionals with a COLOR weed identification section. This guide will help you improve your weed control programs and save you money. Attendees will also receive profiles of common lawn diseases.



$125 MRTF members / $185 Non-members


Reminder that the Purdue Turf and Landscape Field Day is on July 16th, 2024 at the Daniel Turfgrass Research Center.

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