Landscape Report


Developing a Weed Management Plan for Your Properties

How did your weed control program perform this year?  Could you be 10% more efficient?  Could you make your clients 10% more satisfied with the level of weed control?  In today’s labor market, improving efficiency is the single best way to reallocate labor to other, more profitable, jobs.  One aspect of improving efficiency in your operation is reducing the amount of visits.  By improving your weed control efficiency, you may be able to reduce the number of visits, even if by one time per season.

Each property you maintain might not need an individual weed management plan, but consider developing a plan for large properties or properties with a significant weed problem.  Taking some time this winter to begin thinking about your previous weed management protocols and potential plans for the following year will improve your efficiency next season.


Some suggestions on what to include in weed management plan:

  • Ornamental species in bed
  • Major weed present
  • History of weed control in area
  • Potential cultural, mechanical, and chemical controls
  • Potential preemergence and postemergence options


Some suggestions on what to include in the year-end evaluation of your weed control plan:

  • Cultural, mechanical, and/or chemical controls implemented
  • Efficacy of cultural, mechanical, and/or chemical controls
  • Efficacy of preemergence and postemergence herbicides implemented

These are merely suggestions for you to consider for your weed management plan, as every company will need to tailor a weed management plan and evaluation based on their specific operations and needs.

I’ve included an example weed management plan and weed management evaluation to get you started.  As always, feel free to contact me if you have any questions or issues.

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